​Overcoming Bullying – Lessons From A 7th-Grader

​Overcoming Bullying - Lessons From A 7th GraderDear Cape Community,

I hope this letter finds you well and enjoying the start of the new school year. I want to introduce myself and explain my story, in hopes that those of you who may be experiencing a similar situation,​ ​will know that there is help, and that you will overcome.

My name is Clara. This year I start seventh grade; my second year of middle school. Last year in sixth grade, unfortunately I was bullied through social media, as well as in school. At first, this made me very sad and nervous. I began to believe that maybe the things the person said about me were true; even though I knew deep down that they were not. I questioned why this person singled me out and chose me to treat so poorly.​ Was this person upset with me? Jealous​ for some reason? Trying to make me feel badly​ about myself? To this day I do not know the answer, but I do understand now that it was not​ ​because of ​me​ or something that I did that caused this person t​o be​ ​unkind.

​Overcoming Bullying - Lessons From A 7th GraderFortunately, I had the support of great friends and family members, who helped to guide me through these tough times. Even though I was nervous to go to family and friends at first, I knew that I couldn’t handle this all by myself. My family and friends helped me look at the situation from a different perspective. Once I saw the situation from a different point of view, I realized not to​ take it personally. Their love and guidance helped me to understand that what caused a person to bully others was most likely that person’s own insecurities. When I finally grasped this concept, my anger turned toward sympathy. It wasn’t easy to feel badly​ f​or the person who chose to hurt​ me, and it was still okay for me to be angry. However, I came to learn that I’M BETTER THAN THAT…better than this type of behavior,​ and so are you!

​Overcoming Bullying - Lessons From A 7th GraderBased on my experience, I have some tips I would like for you to consider which I hope may help you in the time of need:

  • Don’t keep it to yourself — talk to parents, friends, guidance counselors, teachers, or someone else you trust. This may be hard at first; you may be fearful or embarrassed, but please speak up;
  • Surround yourself with good friends;
  • If someone is using social media to bully you, take a screen shot of the offensive comments, then block the person on social media. Show the screenshots to an adult whom you trust;
  • ​Overcoming Bullying - Lessons From A 7th GraderDon’t allow yourself to accept or believe the unkind or untrue things being said about you or anyone else for that matter; and
  • Know that you will be okay, and that you will get through it with the passing of time.

Your parents, teachers, guidance counselors, and friends believe in you, and don’t want to see you in pain. Please don’t ever be afraid to ask for help. If you or a friend ever experiences bullying, I hope my advice helps. Have a wonderful school year.



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