10 Ways to Help Your Little Loved Ones Feel the Love on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is such a fun holiday – sweet, full of love and low on costs and stress. Here are 10 ideas to make memories with your little loved ones and help them enjoy the holiday to the fullest. Happy planning – 5 more days till the big day is here!

 10 Ways to Express Love to Your Cape Kids on Valentine’s Day and Always

  1. Plan a Valentine’s Game or Craft Night. Dare to turn off the TVs and electronic devices!
  2. Crank up the soundtrack from Disney’s Frozen while making breakfast and pretend you are on the big screen! As the popular song suggests, just “Let it go!”
  3. Cook or bake something delicious, healthy and homemade together.
  4. And, while you are at it…why not plan a special meal together? Set a fancy table light the candles, play beautiful jazz or classical music, say grace and say “I love you” to one another before you break bread.
  5. Pick up some special and meaningful books about love and Valentine’s Day. There are usually some great books on display this time of year at the library and stores. Snuggle up and read them together and discuss the meaning and learnings from the story.
  6. Take the time to think through and write out the 10 funniest things/memories you just love replaying in your mind when it comes to your kids.  Share the stories with them before bedtime this week. Kids seem to love funny stories and reviewing comical happenings. Save the written memories in a safe place to keep forever!
  7. Pick a cute DVD with a great message about love and kindness and have a movie night complete with popcorn. Talk about the message and favorite part of the film afterwards; be sure to get everyone’s input!
  8. Set up date nights this week, 1:1, with each/all of your children, separately. They choose the place; you show up; and you listen, fully present, and with all your heart.
  9. Have a Valentine’s tea party and invite the family’s most treasured teddy bears to attend.
  10. On Valentine’s Day morning, afternoon, and night – and all other 364 days and nights to follow – remember to tell your Cape Kid you are proud of him/her and that he/she is amazing just as-is! Confidence is so key to happiness and success in life, and we as parents can raise confident, brave, and heroic Cape Kids by reinforcing just how awesome they are!

Choose kind,

Leigh Ann


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