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The Cape Effect…what’s that?

Cape Effect
/kāp/ /iˈfekt/

1.       The immediate reaction of a child when given a cape to wear. Usually involves wide eyes and open mouth, in addition to one or more of the following: squealing with delight, jumping for joy, frolicking around the house, superhero voguing, and surprisingly good behavior.

You know what’s really cool? When your kids EXCEED your expectations. You hope your messages to your teenage daughter about being inclusive of her peers have sunk in…and then you find out she’s gone out of her way to make sure others don’t feel left out or lonely. You’ve tried to encourage your little guy to stand up for someone being bullied…and then he does, with confidence and tact.

We at Wear the Cape and the kidkind foundation believe we’ve found the secret sauce to this recipe. It’s what we call the “Cape Effect.”

Time and again, we’ve seen and heard that kids are motivated to earn the right to Wear the Cape – whether tied around their neck or imprinted on their shirt – by doing the right thing. Explain to them what it looks like to be a “hero” and give a kid that name, and he or she will work to live up to it. They get it, even at a young age.

To facilitate communication with tykes to teens, every Wear the Cape product includes a Hero Tag that tees up a teachable moment. Various real-life scenarios are presented that challenge kids to think through the right choices to be made in each situation. Try it. Talk with your kids about what it REALLY means in practice to be heroic, and watch great stories come back to you about your Cape Kid in action!

I still remember when the first box of prototype shirts arrived at our house last summer. The kids I gave them to went wild with excitement about the idea of a cape being on their backs – symbolic, for all to see. And what followed the initial excitement was the best part: They began acting like heroes.

The video below paints this picture with two little boys who will undoubtedly put a smile on your face. After receiving Wear the Cape tees, they spend a few moments processing the idea of being able to wear a cape on their backs (like they’ve seen heroes do in movies, books and on TV), and then they start “flying” around the house. Think of being given a cape like being knighted.

Also interesting to note: these handsome little men have a super cool mama, too. Her name is Chara, and she and her colleague Jodi just finished a book you’ll love called You Are. The fundamental premise of the book is that when people really know WHO THEY ARE, WHAT THEY HAVE, and WHAT THEY CAN DO, they are naturally inspired to uplift, encourage and help, rather than put down, criticize or harm. We could not agree with you ladies more!

So, hey folks – give a cape, and watch the magic; keep it in mind to give Wear the Cape products as gifts for birthdays, holidays, and just to celebrate achievements (check out our Shop page here for lots of great ideas). We so appreciate the support – it’s how we’ll be able to keep on chuggin’ – and you’re turning kids’ dreams of being heroes into reality.

Building heroes, a kid at a time – that’s Wear the Cape and YOU.

Choose kind,
Leigh Ann

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