Van Holton School is filled with Superheroes!

Van Holton School What an amazing morning we had at Van Holton School in Bridgewater, New Jersey.  The amazing students and staff at Van Holton surprised us by making today Superhero Day. They all came to school wearing superhero clothes, costumes, and capes, in our honor. We were delighted!

We were also incredibly honored that the Van Holton staff and PTA chose us, out of many other assemblies, to be a part of their Week of Empathy – a week dedicated to respect and kindness.

We heard immediate and positive feedback regarding our program from students, teachers, and the principal. One teacher commented,  “This is such a valuable message! I’m so glad you came to our school.”  We are too!

For further information on how to bring a Hero Assembly to your school, or to take advantage of our Spring Savings, please email