McGinn School is BETTER THAN THAT™

McGinn SchoolToday we visited the McGinn School, in Scotch Plains, New Jersey, where we presented two HERO assembly programs to their K-2 grade and 3-4th grade students.

The faculty and students of McGinn were so engrossed in our Hero videos that you could hear a pin drop in the room. They immediately began using the super hero strategies we taught during our program. At the end of our assembly, all stood up, in their best super hero pose, and cheered, “I will be a hero!”

After our first show, one second grader stepped out of his class line with an important message for his principal. He stopped and said, “Thank you SO much for bringing this assembly to our school.” The principal told us she has never had a student go out of his way to thank her for such a wonderful assembly. We are so honored that you loved our program!

McGinn SchoolAs we approach the end of the Week of Respect, we remind you that you can be a HERO to someone every day, not just during one week in October. We encourage you to stand up for others, to choose to do the right thing, and to be BETTER THAN THAT™ – better than poor choices, better than others who are not being heroic, and better than what’s not right.

BE A HERO! We believe in you and are counting on you to stand up and choose kindness!

If you would like to bring our Hero Assembly to your school, please contact

Kindness is Cool at Golda Och Academy

Golda Och AcademyWe spent the afternoon at Golda Och Academy in West Orange, New Jersey, where we presented two of our Hero Assemblies to children in grades K-2 and grades 3-5.

Kindness is everywhere at Golda Och Academy. The school has encouraging messages promoting kindness and good character around every corner. The school is so committed to kindness, that they hired a professional artist to write “kindness reminders” in the bathrooms.

Inclusion was a big topic that we discussed today. Through our Hero Strategies students learned the importance of including others. They also understood the necessity of using their voices to promote kindness and making it “COOL TO BE KIND.”

For more information on our program or to gift an assembly to a school in need, please email

Golda Och AcademyGolda Och Academy

Celebrating the WEEK OF RESPECT With Amazing Heroes

Today we had the privilege of visiting JFK school in Jamesburg, NJ this morning, to kick off their Week of Respect.

At JFK school, we were greeted by a student body dressed as superheroes. With capes, superhero clothing, and bright smiles, they excitedly engaged in all the interactive role- plays throughout the program.

It was a delight to hear students using our STOP AND THINK hero strategy immediately. Teachers, PTO, guidance, and the principal all said the program was “fabulous,” and they were eager to see the students use our strategies in the school day, and their daily life.

This afternoon, we enjoyed our time spent with the students at Chiddick Elementary School, in East Brunswick, New Jersey. The school was filled with heroes. Each one of the students and teachers proved that they Wear the Cape everyday by sharing how cool it is t be kind to one another.

One first grader spoke volumes when she stated, “Just be nice. That’s what heroes do.” Let’s use this sweet girl as an example of how we should always behave.

For more information, to book or gift an assembly, please email

In Kindness,
Leigh Ann Errico