Ridgefield Park Schools are filled with students who are Better Than That

Ridgefield Park Schools are filled with students who are Better Than ThatWe had the privilege of visiting three schools in Ridgefield Park today: Thomas Jefferson Primary School, Lincoln School, and Roosevelt School.

All three schools were welcoming and the students were excited to learn the tools needed to Wear The Cape. We were elated when students at Lincoln School began chanting, “Wear the Cape,” before and after our assembly.

The students at each school gave excellent examples of how it’s cool to be kind and how to be Better Than That. One student stated, “When someone falls, help to pick them up.” This is so true. Let’s all remember to choose to help others, and help to “pick them up” whether they have fallen down, or need a friend.  That’s the Cape way!

For more information or to book an assembly, please email leighann@wearthecapekids.com

In Kindness,
Leigh Ann Errico


WEAR THE CAPE DONATES A HERO ASSEMBLY TO MADISON MONROE SCHOOL #16 IN ELIZABETH, NEW JERSEYDuring our Hero Assemblies we teach students that heroes help others.  We give our students examples of how to help, and follow up with role play and videos that show students being Better Than That and helping others.

Today we were delighted to help Madison Monroe School #16 in Elizabeth, New Jersey by donating our Hero Assembly to their school.  All students, grades K-5, practiced Wearing The Cape, and being Better Than That during our program.

Ms. Colleen, our fantastic facilitator, reminds students, during our program, that it makes you feel good to help others. It really does! Today, we feel so fortunate to have been able to donate our program to an Abbott District in New Jersey, who would not have been able to have us present to their school.

We feel good! Really good! We love that students are Wearing The Cape, that we are bringing smiles to faces of children and teachers, and that we are spreading our kindness message by word and example.

To book a Hero Assembly, or for more information, please email leighann@wearthecapekids.com

In Kindness,
Leigh Ann Errico

Monmouth Junction Elementary School Uses “Stop and Think…”

Monmouth Junction Elementary School“Treat others they way you want to be treated.” is a response we heard today from a second grader at Monmouth Junction Elementary School, when asked how you can be kind. The Golden Rule, so simple, and so necessary, is often being overlooked by many.  Fortunately, it is not being overlooked at Monmouth Junction School.

The students at Monmouth Junction Elementary were kind and practiced Wearing The Cape by acting Better Than That. As we were leaving the school, we heard students in a first grade classroom say, “Stop and Think,” which is part of our Hero Strategy.

Our Hero Assembly is not just teaching skills and strategies needed to get through the school day, it is teaching life skills, such as being an UP-Stander, Better Than That, and teaching students that it’s cool to be kind.

For more information on bringing a Hero Assembly to a school near you, please email leighann@laerrico.com.

In Kindness,
Leigh Ann Errico