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School Request Letter

We have made it easy for you to share your interest in bringing Wear the Cape’s assembly to a school near you. Copy and paste the form letter below, then modify and send it by email to your school’s guidance counselor, principal, and/or PTO/PTA, so they become familiar with Wear the Cape and understand why you believe the assembly would be beneficial for students in their school. Also, CC or BCC on your email, so we can follow-up with the school on your behalf.  

Dear [Principal, Guidance Counselor or Other Name(s)]:

Wear the Cape is an organization that teaches kids the importance of heroic character and what being a hero looks like in everyday life. It’s combating the bullying epidemic that is plaguing our schools and communities in a positive way.

Wear the Cape has just launched a compelling, multimedia assembly that I hope [School Name] will consider bringing to its student body. The hour-long, interactive presentation equips kids with the strategies and skills needed to prevent and stop bullying.

You can watch the preview trailer for the assembly here: What Is A HERO (

I strongly believe that students at [School Name] would greatly benefit from understanding how they can embody heroic character and take a stand against bullying.

For more information on the assembly, you can email Wear the Cape and the kidkind foundation’s Founder Leigh Ann Errico at


[Your name]

Further Information
Contact Leigh Ann Errico at

Donate or Gift an Assembly
With a $500 tax -deductible donation, you can gift the assembly presentation to an underprivileged elementary school organization – at cost.
Click HERE to Gift the Assembly

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